[ Citadel Cares Outreach Ministry ]
Freely you have received; freely give. Matthew 10:8

The Citadel Of Hope Worship Center is deeply committed to serving the needs of the community and also others connected to our ministry. To do so effectively, the Citadel Cares Outreach Ministry (CCOM), exists to foster the participation of our ministry members in volunteering their time, talent, and financial resources to collectively serve the many and varied needs that exists in our world. 

Outreach Events occur throughout the year and are scheduled on an ongoing basis. Please see our Events Calendar to stay current with Outreach Opportunities and way you can support!

The Citadel has also connected with Amazon to receive a % donation for every item purchased through the Amazon Smiles Program! 100% of the donations received will go directly to the Citadel Cares Outreach Ministry which does a series of amazing community outreach efforts throughout the year!

You may also Help The Citadel in Helping OTHERS by using the following link for all of your Amazon purchases: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/04-3631946 The only thing that's different is the link you use. It's the same products, the same prices and the same Prime if you have a Prime account! Once you link your Amazon account to Amazon smiles, you would shop the way you normally do through Amazon. If you have any questions regarding the Amazon Smiles Program or  how you can support The Citadel Cares Outreach Ministry please email chwcministry@gmail.com.
